Peer review in this setting was a new experience for me. Yes, I did peer review in highschool but we only focused on surface level things like spelling and grammar. We never really looked at global revisions and setting up your paper in the best way possible, that states your ideas clearly. The peer review has taught me the first thing to look for is the thesis, so I get a sense of where this paper is heading and the main ideas behind it. I have also learned that when making a thesis, it should be a clear statement. I noticed in McKenna Shedd’s First Draft that she did not have a clear thesis but had ideas surrounding it that could lead to one. I informed her that making a statement on the matter at hand provides a clear path for the reader on where the essay is heading. I also included page number for McKenna where David Foster Wallace supported her ideas. This left her with the evidence she needed to prove her claim. I learned that the transition between paragraphs is an important aspect to have within a paper. Lucky McKenna did a good job making her paragraph flow. I touched basis with her about considering introducing her two other articles sources for the paper within the introduction. I have learned that it is crucial that you introduce your sources at the beginning of the paper, so your audience has an idea about where these ideas are coming from and what the stating people are like. I have come a long way since highschool, before this semester I couldn’t even provide my peers with decent spelling corrections. Now I dig into my peer’s paper and go out of my way to give the page number where there is evidence to support their claim because in the end it only helps me become a better writer. 

First Draft Of One Peer’s Paper