You have to concentrate on your reading from start to finish. Meaning that you should take your time annotating the text, breaking it down it a way where you understand it. Join the conservation of the text by asking questions, writing your ideas in the margins, recording what has encountered, finding important points, and looking at ways you can use the text in a class discussion. Questions to yourself can be a useful way to stay engaged with the reading. I tend box, highlight, and underline important facts that I find in the text to fill my mind with new ideas. In doing this it also serve as a way to look back on the text for the main points. Whenever the reading assignment asks a question I tend to look back on the previous paragraph and try to answer it. I found by doing this it helps me remember the points of the author’s argument and their ideas supporting them. Annotating a reading helps you find the author’s thesis, evidence and conclusion. I found that when just read through the reading,  I ended up lost and not understand the point the author was trying to make. I also found it helped to ask how does this relate to previously read articles. How are they similar and how are they different? In the reading article “Out of the Kitchen, Onto the Couch”, I would look back after every one of the six stages that Michael Pollan set up and asked myself what was the point of this section. Did Pollan what me to understand that cooking on television has changed, that Julia Child is an inspiration to all or was it something more than that? Me battling to find the main point to his argument, served as a way where I had to consider his views. In doing this I changed my mind on the subject of reality television. Annotating can serve as a way to find new ideas that you didn’t know you believed in. I try to incorrupate “They Say/I Say” method in all my annotations because an open mind is needed to form your own argument. Finding a way to agree with the text also makes it an easier read and stay concentrated on. I annotate and dissect readings to gain a better understanding of what the author is trying to prove. I then use the annotations to respond to the text with my own ideas added to the mix. 

Informal Reading Response

Annotated Reading Evidence