The difference between the first draft and final draft conducted for project #3 was astronomical. I never truly knew the difference peer review could have on a writing assignment. There are two parts of a peer review, your papers revision and you classmates revision. Having a new pair of eyes looking at your argument with new views could bolster your claim, by introducing their input. Peer reviewing another writing assignment increasing your writing ability to compare and test your own claim. It allows you to introduce new ideas into your mind that you would have not previously considered. Touching on different opposing ideas within the assignment, leaves less room to criticize. I have learned to look at the big picture when writing, I no longer get tied down with the small insignificant facts that tend to lead away from my main idea. I have also learned not to worry about spelling and grammatical errors and to just let my mind organize my ideas in the best possible way where their all connected behind my main point. Spelling and grammar can easily be fixed but if your paper has no structure that a much bigger problem. I have changed the way I approach writing assignments. The course has taught me it takes time for ideas to form and organize, setting checkpoints for the project is crucial to put forward the best possible work. I have learned to dissect reading assignments in a way where I can use it to provide evidence for my ideas. There no way I can expect to change a person stance on a subject without evidence, I now use quotes straight from the text to support my ideas and statements in my writing assignment.